
10 Years Of Order Desk: A Special Message From Our Founder

I never set out to create a company. In 2011, someone I was working with asked me to build a simple app that could download orders from their shopping cart, organize them, and send them for fulfillment. As a hungry … Read More

2022 Wrap-Up

The past few years have posed so many unique challenges, but one thing we at Order Desk have noticed is the way you have risen above them and adapted. We love watching you thrive and it inspires us to do … Read More

Outage Postmortem: December 19, 2022

Between December 18th and 19th, 2022, Order Desk sustained a partial outage in which new orders could not be imported into the system. The order insertion downtime lasted from Sunday afternoon to Monday afternoon and lasted a total of 26 … Read More

Hire a Pro: Introducing the Order Desk Experts Program

Since the beginning of time… well, at least since 2014, the Order Desk support team has received requests that look something like this: Can’t I just pay you to set up Order Desk for me? Our company has historically prioritized … Read More

Looking Back: Our 2022 Leadership Off-Site

Working for a remote company has its perks, like being able to spend more time with your family (and your furry family!), but one aspect of remote work that many companies struggle with is the lack of in-person human connection. … Read More

April Foolin’

We here at Order Desk are no stranger to the occasional April Fools prank, and since it’s been a while we thought we’d have a little fun this year by announcing several new Order Desk…”products”…on Twitter this year. These new products sadly … Read More

Our Prices Are Changing

Beginning February 1, 2022, we will be implementing a new pricing structure. We know that change can be uncomfortable, and felt it was important to be as transparent as possible regarding this decision. Our new prices will be: Starter $20/mo … Read More

Looking Back: Our 2020 Retreat

It’s strange to think that there was a short period of time in January of 2020 where traveling and having gatherings wasn’t an issue in many areas of the world, but we here at Order Desk are especially grateful for … Read More

2021 Wrap-Up

Can you believe it’s 2022 already? I know it’s been a stressful year with global supply chain issues and shortages of everything from computer chips to chickens, but your business bobbed and weaved through the ever-changing ecommerce landscape flawlessly. The … Read More

New From Order Desk: Print on Demand Videos!

  If you’ve been with us for a while then you may remember our Order Desk Demo Series that we launched last spring, our 12-part video series that offers a basic overview of the Order Desk app covering a variety … Read More