New From Order Desk: Print on Demand Videos!

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If you’ve been with us for a while then you may remember our Order Desk Demo Series that we launched last spring, our 12-part video series that offers a basic overview of the Order Desk app covering a variety of basic steps of the setup process. After that was finished, we reflected on what we got right, how our videos could be even better, and what topics you would benefit from seeing on video.

We landed on doing a follow up series that specifically focuses on the print on demand process, ranging from configuring integrations and setting up your products, to automating the fulfillment process for your orders. If you prefer to learn by visual example, you’ll be able to journey through Order Desk with us as we cover all of these topics in depth, taking the time to show you each screen and setting that you’ll need to focus on when setting up your print on demand products.

Excited yet? You can dive right into our first video here.

And of course if you have any questions for us, or if you have any suggestions on what videos you would like to see next, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line.



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