2020 Wrap-Up

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We’re Glad It’s Over.


When brick and mortar stores were shutting down left and right, the world looked to ecommerce to serve their needs. With your good spirits, suggestions, and feedback, we were able to navigate this unprecedented demand together.

You had a huge year.

Order Desk stores brought in a record $2,165,335,947 collectively. That’s 2.16 billion with a capital B. That’s coming from the 23,986,406 orders that your customers placed in 2020, which is 2.5x as many as last year! Every order you received contributed to those numbers and we are so proud that your business was a part of that.

You used Order Desk to send 2,380,834 emails to your customers to keep them in the loop about those 24 million orders. This was a year that the world needed ecommerce more than ever, and you stepped up to the occasion.

Also, how about a special shoutout to our newcomers! We saw 10,939 new stores join Order Desk this year, and we’re so glad you trusted us to be an integral part of your business.

Order Desk grew with you.

We ran with your enthusiasm and grew the Order Desk team: we’re up to 10 people in total. Order Desk is based all around the world (some of us are emailing you from the future), and the people we’ve brought on are some of the smartest, most capable folks we’ve had the pleasure of working with. If you feel similarly, we’d love to pass your feedback along to them!

You also don’t bring in 24 million orders without a couple questions along the way!

Thanks to our larger team, we handled, on average, about 68 conversations per day with our customers, totaling 25,010 responses from us to you.

From those conversations and relationships we established with you, we were able to introduce some pretty cool things, like

  • Added 55 new integrations, getting us up to 300 total (with more currently in development)
  • 450 new features
  • 2511 updates

We saw some big updates.

If you work with ShipBob or Zapier, you probably already noticed the big overhauls those integrations received.

Here are a few other major updates from this year:

  • If you have more than one Order Desk store, the link for an order will open up the right store for you, even if you’re working in a different store when you click it.
  • The Order Desk API can accept multiple inventory updates at a time, for your custom integration builds.
  • For those whoops moments when you accidentally move thousands of orders into the wrong folders, we made a rule action that lets you move them all back.
  • We added the EasyPost address validation tool so you can check those addresses before you purchase labels.
  • We created a Schedule Import button in the Shopify integration so you can set a specific date and time for Order Desk to go back to and download every order from that time to the present that hasn’t made it into Order Desk yet. One click, all your orders! No more guessing and wondering if it’s even working.
  • Our interface got a few upgrades as well to make it a little easier to navigate around the app. You can link to order notes, which also now support multiple URLs. Also, when split rules run on orders, the event in the order history will link right to the rule that split the order.

Order Desk is easier to learn.

We poured a lot of our resources into making order management easier to learn. You spent 9 full 40-hour work weeks watching our latest video releases, including the 12-part video series to help you quickly get up to speed and our quick-start webinar.

Our team celebrated personal wins.

  • A new Order Desk baby was born!
  • Two of our developers contributed to PHP 8.0, a major update to the programming language.
  • Pre-pandemic, we were able to get the whole company together in person for only the second time ever on the beautiful Oregon coast.
  • One of our developers was asked to present to other developers across Europe and Asia about how to contribute to PHP.
  • Two of our developers launched a really calming product to listen to while you work.

2021 will be exciting!

After working out some really exciting partnerships this year, we can’t wait to show you what’s in the works for next year. You might want to keep an eye on our social accounts and these newsletters for clues, but here’s a hint to get you started…

2020 was challenging and we’re glad it’s over, but you made it a really special one for us. The things we covered in this email are only the beginning of what we’re working on for you, and we’re planning to make 2021 the best year yet to have Order Desk working for your business.

On behalf of David and everyone at Order Desk, we hope that you had a healthy, happy holiday season and new year.

Dan and The Order Desk team

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