Author Archives: DanV

Tips for Surviving Black Friday and Beyond

There are very few days of the year that can be as turbulent as Black Friday and the ensuing holiday season, especially if you manage a business. Your sales may skyrocket, but it can be quite stressful to prepare for … Read More

New From Order Desk: Print on Demand Videos!

  If you’ve been with us for a while then you may remember our Order Desk Demo Series that we launched last spring, our 12-part video series that offers a basic overview of the Order Desk app covering a variety … Read More

6 Ways Outsourcing Fulfillment Will Streamline Your Business

  Periodically, Order Desk will share content from its partners. This post is brought to you by Fulfillrite, a US-based order fulfillment company. We get it: filling orders is hard work that is time-consuming and expensive. This is especially true … Read More


If you’ve ever registered your own domain name, you know it can be a pain. It’s especially frustrating if the vision you have for your brand isn’t complete without the domain name you want. We understand this all too well, … Read More

Why Do All My Amazon Orders Have Weird Phone Numbers?

Have you noticed your Amazon orders coming in with an unusually lengthy phone number, like +1-415-851-9136? What’s up with that? There’s not a lot of information out there online, so we thought we’d go into it a bit to help … Read More

Tales from the Order Desk Retreat & What it Means for You

1 house. 5 days. 6 people. 13,585 miles between them. Countless calories consumed. For the first time in Order Desk history, the entire team was together under one roof. And for many of us, this was our first time meeting … Read More